Speaker bios  Fred Freiberg Fred Freiberg serves as the Executive Director for the Fair Housing Justice Center (FHJC), a regional civil rights organization based in New York City that he co-founded in 2004. Prior to 2004, Mr. Freiberg worked for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice where he directed a national testing program that he helped to establish in the Division’s Housing and Civil Enforcement Section in 1992. Mr. Freiberg was a founder and the first Executive Director of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council from 1977–1981. For seven years, Mr. Freiberg worked as a private consultant providing technical assistance and training to public and private fair housing enforcement agencies across the United States. From 1999 to 2002, Mr. Freiberg was retained by the Urban Institute to manage the testing in two national research projects. He supervised the testing in a national research study of mortgage lending practices and directed the field implementation for the third and largest national study of housing discrimination conducted in the United States. Mr. Freiberg is considered one of the nation’s leading experts on the use of testing as an investigative tool for enforcing civil rights laws. He has supervised and/or participated in thousands of testing investigations involving rental housing, real estate sales, new construction, nursing homes, mobile homes, places of public accommodation, and mortgage lending institutions. Mr. Freiberg’s professional activities for fair housing span over four decades during which time he has testified in dozens of fair housing cases, published articles on fair housing, and received numerous awards for his accomplishments in the fair housing field. Mr. Freiberg is also the Executive Producer of a fair housing documentary entitled A Matter of Place released in 2013. In 2016, he appeared in “A House Divided,” an episode from the EPIX Original docu-series called America Divided. From 2016–2019, he consulted with Newsday on the largest investigation into real estate practices conducted by any media outlet in the nation. He is featured in the resulting story “Long Island Divided” and appeared in the video documentary Testing the Divide. Justin Monteiro, Associate Vice President of Enforcement and Investigations—National Fair Housing Alliance, Washington, DC. Mr. Monteiro is currently the Vice President of Enforcement and Investigations at the National Fair Housing Alliance. He started in fair housing 12 years ago as a test coordinator at the Fair Housing of Greater Boston in Mass. where he conducting investigations in response to complaints and developed systemic investigation. Since joining the National Fair Housing Alliance in 2011, he has played a leading role in NFHA’s enforcement division. In additional developing “traditional” fair housing investigations, Justin has a wealth of experience on novel cases, such as those involving REO properties, complex online marketing, and habitational insurance. Justin was one of the architects of NFHA’s investigation of Facebook which resulted in a federal lawsuit that settled in 2019. He is one of the most active and experience fair lending investigators within the fair housing movement, and testing-based investigations he has led have documented discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, and familial status. In 2016, HUD issued a rare charge of discrimination against Bank of America based on a testing investigation Justin coordinated. In addition to fair lending testing, Justin is adept at other facets of fair lending investigations, including HMDA data analysis, branch mapping and analysis, bank marketing analysis, CRA evaluation analysis, and other factors that are part of robust fair lending investigation. In addition to his investigative work, Justin is regularly trains NFHA’s local members on investigation methodology, specializing in fair lending investigations. He is a member of NFHA’s Fair Housing School faculty and has trained over 400 fair housing practitioners through that program. Justin holds a B.A. from Boston College in Massachusetts. Prior to working in fair housing, Justin was a Peace Corps Volunteer for three years in Western Romania. Salmun Kazerounian, Staff Attorney—Connecticut Fair Housing Center Mr. Kazerounian works with the Center’s fair housing enforcement team to represent the victims of housing discrimination in administrative actions and in state and federal court. He received his B.A. from the University of Connecticut and his law degree from the University of Washington School of Law, where he was a Gates Public Service Law Scholar. Prior to joining the Center’s staff in 2012, Mr. Kazerounian was a staff attorney at the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands, where he specialized in representing rural low-income individuals and community organizations in civil cases. John Zimmerman Vice President—Miami Valley Fair Housing Center Mr. Zimmerman is a Fair Housing Instructor certified by the Ohio Division of Real Estate to conduct classes providing continuing education credits for REALTORS® and appraisers since 2001. Since 1999 he has been an instructor of fair housing courses certified for CAM continuing education credits. He instructs staff from: Permanent Supportive Housing properties, Rural Housing 515, LIHTC properties, Project Based Section 8 properties, 202/811 properties, and Public Housing. He has a Bachelor’s degree from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. Marie Kindrick Fair Housing Awards  Marie Kindrick Marie Kindrick was a remarkable woman who for nearly sixty years was committed to working for the rights of those who are under-represented. Her mother was from Indiana, and her father was an immigrant from Italy. Speaking of her childhood, Marie recalled that her neighborhoods in Cincinnati were totally diverse with everyone working and playing together, as it should be. The first thing people who knew Marie remember is her big warmth and her generous spirit. She made her life a testament to the kind of work that we honor with these awards. As a REALTOR® in our community, she was a volunteer tutor for the DABR Partners in Education at Ruskin School and also taught English as a second language in Kettering Schools. She served on DABR’s Equal Opportunity Committee from 1992 until her untimely passing in May 1998. Each year we pay tribute to Marie Kindrick and honor her for the inspiration to work for fairness and equity for everyone by honoring a Community Professional, a Community Volunteer, and a REALTOR®. Fair Housing — Using Technology to Fight Discrimination Workshop time: 8:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. This workshop fulfills 3.0 CEU hours for Realtors in the State of Ohio. The workshop will be conducted in three parts by a panel of Fair Housing Professionals: Justin Monteiro, Associate Vice President of Enforcement and Investigations at the National Fair Housing Alliance, will open the session with a review of FH Basics including protected classes, theories of discrimination, and types of prohibited behaviors. He wlll introduce three focus areas of the discussion: dynamic pricing, tenant, prospect, sales lead generation, and market segmentation. Salmun Kazerounian, Staff Attorney at the Connecticut Fair Housing Center, will discuss automation as well as criminal records related to Fair Housing and to Data Driven Service and Tools. Both of these presenters will be using case examples of litigation resulting from the use of Technology and best practices to avoid liability. John Zimmerman, Vice President of the Miami Valley Fair Housing Center, will lead the last section of the panel. He will focus on 2020 trends and case studies for REALTORS® based on recent problems that intersect with modern technology in the housing industry.