Dayton community members participate in foreclosure solutions workshop
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MVFHC President Jim McCarthy
observing a brainstorming team
Over 50 community members including fair housing advocates, realtors, lenders and law enforcement professionals participated in a foreclosure solutions workshop held Tuesday, May 25th, 2006 at the Zion Gateway Transit and Cultural Center in Dayton, Ohio. Facilitated by Miami Valley Fair Housing Center (MVFHC) President/CEO Jim McCarthy, the workshop was one of six held around the state and organized by Lisa Rice, President/CEO, and Lisa Lawson-LaPointe, Development Director, of the Toledo Fair Housing Center (TFHC). The meeting's purpose was to ask for community members' help in gathering information for a statewide summit to be held in Toledo (Tuesday, November 14th, 2006) that will focus on solving Ohio's foreclosure crisis.

Dayton City Commissioner and
MVFHC Board Member Dean Lovelace
listening to a team member's findings
Working first individually, the participants answered questions about the causes of foreclosure and about possible solutions to the foreclosure crisis. Then the participants teamed up for roundtable discussions during which they selected the causes and solutions they felt to be most important. Finally, team representatives shared each team's findings, and in an open forum of all those present the top issues needing attention at the statewide summit were selected.
For the past two years, Ohio has led the United States as the state with the highest number of mortgage closure filings per capita. The result is neighborhoods that are blighted with boarded-up, foreclosed homes that are not maintained that that affect the values of surrounding properties as well.
The workshop was part of the effort by private fair housing organizations throughout Ohio to work together to address the problem of foreclosures. These organizations are planning a foreclosure summit to be held Tuesday, November 14th, 2006, where they plan to share the information that has been gathered as well as a proposal for addressing the foreclosure problems faced by Ohio residents. Details about the foreclosure summit are available here.
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